Sea Turtle Rescue Workshop


Sea Turtle Rescue Workshop

Learn to participate in sea turtle releases

Sea Turtle Rescue Workshop

What do you do if you see a sick or injured sea turtle? If you want to know how to rescue an injured or sick sea turtle and increase their chances of survival, this training workshop is a must.
This three-hour workshop covers how to rescue a sea turtle, how we care for and nurse them on-site in our marine animal rescue and rehabilitation facility and how to participate in a successful release back to the ocean.

When: Next date coming soon.

Time:  9 am -12 pm

Where: Dolphin Marine Conservation Park, Coffs Harbour

Cost:  $150 per person

Includes: Three-hour workshop led by our marine care experts. Includes entry to Dolphin Marine Conservation Park and Dolphin Dreamtime and Sea Lions Live Presentation.

Suitable for: Participants aged 15+. People passionate about saving sea turtles and other marine wildlife. NB. This workshop does not cover marine mammals.

TO JOIN OUR WAITLIST: Please email or call bookings on 02 6659 1910 for more information.

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