Gary (Garlambirla)
- Garlambirla (or ‘Gary’ for short) was born on 2 February 2024 weighing in at 5.3kg
- Garlambirla was named for the Gumbaynggirr name for Coffs Harbour, where he was born.
- The pup is the 20th Australian Sea Lion to have been born at the Sanctuary as part of the Endangered Species Management Program.
- The seal’s mum is Adelaide – Adelaide was rescued in 2007 as an orphaned pup, and transferred to the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary, where she now plays a critical role in the Sanctuary’s Species Management Program. The pup’s brother is Hugo
- He will be dependent on his mother’s milk for the first year of his life, and is anticipated to be a competent swimmer from around six months of age.
Born on
February 2, 2024 at Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary